Ethical Marketing
Right now, ethical marketing is the difference between communicating with authenticity and empathy, and taking advantage of customers through emotive messaging
The Fundamentals of a Business Budget
A business budget is one of the essential tools in managing your business finances and actively building your business. A budget shows what you plan to do with your cash over the next year
Efficiency through automation
Lockdown forced us to rethink the way we operate our business. The barrier of procrastination has been removed and we’ve had to adopt new technology and automate our processes.
Tax Tips for Property Investors
If you have income from investment properties, now is the time to start gathering your records and reviewing your expenses for the 2020 financial year.
Starting a new business? Identify your WHY!
Starting your own business, or regenerating one from within, can be a daunting venture. It is a leap of faith, but also a tantalising opportunity to journey down a different path.
Employing casual workers? Follow the rules
Having access to a casual workforce can be a great way for your business to manage busy periods while keeping ongoing costs low. Before you jump at the opportunity, it is important to understand the rules.
Working from Home? Claim your home office expenses
If you have a home office for your business, you should be able to claim some of the costs involved in maintaining, owning and using your home. It’s important to be aware of what you can and can’t claim, and the record-keeping involved in making a claim.
Measuring the health of your business
When you’re running a business, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day activity and lose sight of the big picture. Taking stock of the health of your business is important. Knowing where you’re allows for more effective planning, early warning about any issues, and the chance to better chart a course for success.
Is my accountant a cost or investment?
Accountants tell their clients to reduce their overhead costs as one of the seven ways to grow your business. One of your overhead costs is your accounting fees. So, is what you spend with your accountant an expense which needs to be reduced, or is it an investment?
Claiming deductions for working from home to be made easier.
The ATO are announcing a 'working from home shortcut' measure for people to claim running expenses, now they are working from home due to Covid-19 restrictions.
How do you invoice during a crisis?
It’s not easy to request payment right now, but it is important to keep cash flowing into your business so you can cover expenses and meet your obligations to others. As with all business dealings right now, a little empathy and a lot of open communication can go a long way.
Inspirational podcasts for lockdown.
Podcasts are often on our list of things to do, but for many business owners, there are often not enough hours in the day. The current crisis has prevented most from normal business activity. It is a stressful time. But it may provide an opportunity to think about where you want your business to head.
COVID-19 – Assistance and Support for Businesses
As of 30 March 2020, during a period of less than three weeks, the Federal Government has announced in three tranches, economic stimulus and relief measures with a total value of support for the economy of $320 Billion. These measures represent 16.4% of annual GDP.
Covid-19. Financial Support for Australian Businesses
Whatever your business, it’s likely that Covid-19 will be impacting you.
You may be dealing with stock shortages, exporting issues, disrupted travel plans or a sales downturn due to tourist drop off.
Looking to improve business performance?
Here are ten ways to make sure that you continue to drive through each business quarter with purpose, vision and the courage to super-charge your business.
Remote working: how to get your business ready
In a crisis, the ability for your staff to work remotely could, quite literally, be a lifesaver.
Kylie Hayes, our bookkeeping expert
Kylie Hayes is our bookeeping expert, she has worked in the industry for 15 years, loves helping business owners achieve their goals through technology and time saving processes.
Goal Setting 2020
The art of goal setting has become a very complicated business, there are so many ideas around how we should goal set and what type of goals we should set. We have put together a very simple to follow goal setting process for you to follow in 2020.
Why bookkeeping is essential for your small business.
If you’re a small business owner, you’ll be familiar with juggling several tasks at once. As well as keeping things running, you need to generate income, keep your customers happy and look after financial information.
How to get the right headshot!
When in business a great headshot is essential. It can say so much about you and your business, so it is important to get it right. There are many effortless elements that go into getting in right.