Goal Setting 2020
“The greater danger for most of us isn’t that our aim is too high and miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” – Michelangelo
In the sophisticated words of Michelangelo, most business owners think that goal setting is a “nice to have”, if we have time we may look at setting some goals. That simply isn’t true. Goal setting allows us to plan out our year and have something to reach for, if these goals don’t exist then we stay where we are or even worse, go backwards.
The art of goal setting has become a very complicated business, there are so many ideas around how we should goal set and what type of goals we should set. We have put together a very simple to follow goal setting process for you to follow in 2020.
Creating 1 or 2 goals under each of the 4 topics below, means you are not over doing it. When you have only 4 goals to achieve throughout the year, this becomes much more doable. Let’s get started…….
Financial – Setting financial goals usually is the easiest type of goal to set, as it is quantifiable; “I want to make $200k profit this year” or “I want to grow my business’ worth by 30%”
Business – This is usually more about growth in regard to staff or upgrading your offering or producing a new deliverable like an e-course or event. “My business will be at the stage to hire or outsource all admin this year”
Marketing – This relates to content or ways to look to advertise your services to in turn grow your business. “I will advertise on 5 new sites this year, to help my brand awareness” or “Outsource content management so it is powerful and consistent”
Personal – These goals are so much fun to set and also equally important! These can be as small as “I want to read 10 books this year” or “I want to take 2 months off to travel”. In most cases “we” – the Business Owner, are at the helm of the business and it can help to know who we are and what our strengths and weaknesses are.
Think about taking this personality test to learn more about yourself and what you can offer your business. Setting personal goals, also keeps you happy and being happy makes space for a successful business growth.
If you would like to discuss your financial goals for 2020 and how we could help you to achieve them, please contact Mari today.
We also have upcoming events with Your Business Collective, that tackle business issues like goal setting. Please if you would like to come along, like us on Facebook to receive updates.